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Legacy Trust Fund

LTF was created in early 2004 and ran through 2007 to give NAI the ability to give more scholarships, improve member services, and develop a national office that meets our needs.

See a PDF with donors here.

The Enos Mills Fund

Enos Mills was a trailblazer and pioneer in the field of heritage interpretation. Many consider Enos Mills the founding father of interpretation and he has been the inspiration to generations of interpreters that have followed in his footsteps. The legacy of his books live on a century after he began a nature guide school on the slopes of Longs Peak in Colorado.
The National Association for Interpretation Enos Mills Fund honored his memory by providing long-term stability for NAI and our family of interpreters who continue to educate and inspire visitors at interpretive sites. We all work together to preserve the integrity of our global heritage resources and the Enos Mills Fund was an investment in the future of the profession charged with that important mission.

A special thank you to all of our Enos Mills Donors:

Enos Mills Mountaineers ($10,000+)

Lisa Brochu & Tim Merriman
Harold Johnson
D. Bruce McHenry
Christine Revelas

Enos Mills Adventurers ($5000-$9999)

William Krumbein
Sara M. Skinner

Enos Mills Explorers ($2500-$4999)

Douglas Beckert
Tom Christensen
Theresa Coble
K.C. DenDooven
Steve Dimse
Lisa Garvin
Laura Gundrum
Ginger Murphy
Donna Scheeter
Phil Sexton
Bertalan Szabo

Enos Mills Trailblazers ($1500-$2499)

Leon Abrams
Deanne Adams
Mary Anderson
Sue Andrews          
Howard Aprill          
Susanna Ausema          
Randy Baker          
Thara Baker-Alley          
Jennifer Barrett          
Karen Barrett          
Michael Barth          
Cem Basman          
Jerry Bauer          
Carla Beasley          
Gwen Beavans          
Larry Beck          
Bruce Beerbower          
Gregory Benton          
Sonya Berger          
Mary Ann Best          
Michael Best          
Stephanie Bettac          
Robert Bixler          
Bradley Block          
Sarah Blodgett          
Tim and Rebecca Blodgett          
Jeff Boland          
Ken Bowald          
Kathy Brazelton          
Michael Brennan          
Kris Brenner          
Marc Brody          
Amy Burnett          
Jacqueline Burns          
Jay Burns          
Robert Butterfield          
Brian Cahill          
Joanie Cahill          
John Case          
Julie Cerbus Champion          
Dawn Chang          
Mike Chedester          
Deborah Chenoweth          
Kye Joong Cho          
Julia Clebsch          
Greg Clemons          
Theresa Coble          
Cyndi Cogbill          
Pete Connors          
Luetta Coonrod         
Barbara Cooper          
Jim Covel          
Mary Cutler          
Christine Czazasty          
Kevin Damstra          
Anita Davis          
Linda Derry          
Rachel Diersen          
Bob Dispenza          
Cynthia Donaldson          
Lynda Doucette          
Tammi Downs          
Mary Dresser          
Faith Duncan          
Jeffrey Dykehouse          
Kelli English          
Amy Erickson          
Debra Erickson          
Ted Lee Eubanks          
Beverly Ewoldsen          
Kelly Farrell          
Michelle Fidler          
Vernon Fish          
Jim Fitzpatrick          
Susan Fowler          
Paul Frandsen      
Dr. Mike Freed          
Lynda Fritts   
Barbara Gallup          
Amy Galperin          
Lisa Gamero          
Amy Garrett          
Robert Garrison          
Tom Gaylord          
Tara Gillanders          
Michael Grant          
Michael Greene          
Phillip Greenwalt          
Michael Gurling          
Reginald (Flip) Hagood          
Cynthia Hamel          
Douglas Harding          
Laura Harvey          
Ron Harvey          
Paul Hawke          
Lenore Heppler          
Debra Herbst          
John Hervey          
Nancy Herwig          
Laurie Heupel          
Robert Hinkle          
Lester Hodgins          
Dana Hoisington          
Julia Holmaas          
Donna Horton          
Karin Hostetter          
Jeannine Howland          
Thomas Hudspeth          
Margaret Hurley          
John Huth          
Janeen Igou          
Anthony Ingraham          
T.J. Jacob          
Mary Jenkins          
Adrianne Johnson          
Lari Jo Johnston          
Susan Gayle Jones          
Robin Joy Wellman          
Chris Judson          
David Junkin          
Matthew Kantola          
Sarah Keating          
Meagan Keefe          
John Wm. (Bill) Keienburg          
Keikialoha Kekipi          
Bill Kiger          
Chris Kimball          
Craig Kirkwood          
Evelyn Kirkwood          
Joan Kluwe          
Christine Knopf          
Douglas Knudson          
Mara Koenig          
Tracy Koenig          
Stephanie Kyriazis  
Edward Lagace          
Susan Langdon          
Jeanette Larson  
Lorence Larson          
Carol Leasure
Michael Legg          
Betsy Leonard          
Amy Lethbridge          
Schafer Lewis          
Thomas Lewis          
Richard Libengood          
William Lindemann          
Hollie Lisk          
Mary Loan          
Dodie Long          
Marion Lostrom         
Sara Lustbader    
Robert Lute, II          
Alisa Lynch          
Nelle Lyons   
Dwight Madison          
Frederick Magee          
Stacey Mann          
Diantha Naylor Martin
John McBride Jr          
Linda McDonald          
Jeanie McDonald Carlson          
Captain Kathleen McGrath (in memory of)          
Chris McKay          
Marvin McNew          
Deb McRae          
Corky McReynolds          
Fran McReynolds          
Alana Mesenbrink          
Christina Miller          
Jeffrey Miller          
John Miller          
Kathy Miller          
Allan Mills          
Cecilia Mitchell          
Gary Mitchell          
Robert Moeller          
Tom Moffatt          
Rick Morales          
Jodi Morris          
John Morris          
Diana Morse          
Laura Motley          
Ed Moyer          
Ranger Steve Mueller          
Thomas Mullin          
Gary Mullins          
Shirley Murphy 
Roland "Ron" Nagel          
Dick Namba          
Chris and Ann Nelson          
Michael Nicholson          
Martha Nitzberg          
Raymond Novotny          
Robert Pacheco          
John Padalino          
Rick Parmer          
Donald Pendergrast          
Barbara Jean Pepper          
Jim Peters          
Cathie Plowman          
Donna Pozzi          
Elena Prezioso          
Mack Prichard          
Andrea Putnam   
Leslie Quinn          
Cynthia Rabbers          
Francis Rametta          
Peg Randall          
Sarah Reding          
Wil Reding          
Margaret Repath          
Donna Richardson          
Tom Richter          
Michael Ripp          
Carolyn Rock          
Teresa Rody          
Amy Roell          
Brad Rogers          
Claire Rogers          
Dr. S. Elaine Rogers          
Merle Rogers          
Duncan Rollo          
Linda Romine          
Gary Rominger          
Heather Runyan          
Michael Ruterbories          
Elisabeth Ryan          
David Schmidt          
Helen Scully          
Jennifer Seitz          
Rob Shanks          
Richard Shore          
Don Simons          
Kathleen Smith          
Michael Smith          
Patty Wren Smith          
Rob Smith          
Mary Sommer          
Lori Spencer          
Jack Spinnler          
Bruce Stebbins          
Donald Steiner          
Nancy Stimson          
Linda Strand          
Renee Straub          
Sharon Strouse    
Deborah Tewell          
Clare Thorn          
Melanie Thornton          
Roger Tilden         
Jaime Tompkins          
Judith Tompkins          
Eileen Tramontana          
Arthur Troutman          
Elizabeth Tucker          
Joyce Umbach          
Robert Valen          
Jill Vance          
Darlene Wahl          
Daniel Walther          
Beth-Michele Wargo          
Rebecca Warren          
Julia Washburn          
Ted Weasma          
Arthur Webster          
Mary Ann Webster          
Douglas Weeks          
Heather Weigelt          
Eric Weisman          
Michael Whatley          
Bernadette Williams          
Kathy Williams          
Robert Wittersheim          
Vicki Wolfe          
Camra Lee Wolff          
Barbara Woodford          
Fred Wooley          
Naoka Yamada          
Angela Yau    

Enos Mills 200

Mary Anderson
Susanna Ausema
Jennifer Barrett
Michael Barth
Larry Beck
Douglas Beckert
Gregory Benton
Mary Ann Best
Michael Best
Robert Bixler
Bradley Block
Jeff Boland
Kris Brenner
Amy Burnett
Jacqueline Burns
John Case
Julie Cerbus Champion
Mike Chedester
Kye Joong Cho
Julia Clebsch
Theresa Coble
Luetta Coonrod
Kevin Damstra
K.C. DenDooven
Rachel Diersen
Steve Dimse
Tammi Downs
Amy Erickson
Debra Erickson
Ted Lee Eubanks
Kelly Farrell
Jim Fitzpatrick
Robert Garrison
Lisa Garvin
Tara Gillanders
Phillip Greenwalt
Laura Harvey
Ron Harvey
Debra Herbst
Laurie Heupel
Robert Hinkle
Dana Hoisington
Jeannine Howland
Janeen Igou
Adrianne Johnson
Harold Johnson
Lari Jo Johnston
Robin Joy Wellman
Matthew Kantola
Sarah Keating
Meagan Keefe
Bill Kiger
Chris Kimball
Christine Knopf
Tracy Koenig
William Krumbein
Stephanie Kyriazis
Edward Lagace
Jeanette Larson
Amy Lethbridge
Thomas Lewis
Hollie Lisk
Mary Loan
Dodie Long
Stacey Mann
Jeanie McDonald Carlson
Captain Kathleen McGrath (in memory of)
D. Bruce McHenry
Deb McRae
Corky McReynolds
Fran McReynolds
Tim Merriman
Jeffrey Miller
John Miller
Kathy Miller
Allan Mills
Cecilia Mitchell
Rick Morales
Jodi Morris
John Morris
Diana Morse
Laura Motley
Gary Mullins
Ginger Murphy
Shirley Murphy
Cathie Plowman
Andrea Putnam
Cynthia Rabbers
Christine Revelas
Amy Roell
Heather Runyan
Michael Ruterbories
David Schmidt
Phil Sexton
Rob Shanks
Don Simons
Sara M. Skinner
Michael Smith
Patty Wren Smith
Lori Spencer
Bruce Stebbins
Linda Strand
Renee Straub
Bertalan Szabo
Roger Tilden
Eileen Tramontana
Elizabeth Tucker
Jill Vance
Beth-Michele Wargo
Arthur Webster
Mary Ann Webster
Barbara Woodford
Naoka Yamada
Angela Yau
NAI Region 3
NAI Region 6

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